Saturday, June 13, 2020

Hardware Wallet


E-Wallet Trezor One

HARDWARE BY Pavol Rusnak
RE-Maked by Protobrody

This is a STM32F205RET6 LQFP-64 Microcontroller that is the CPU of the Hardware Wallet that is the same as the Trezor One Wallet from this site Trezor Site . I only builded this Hardware from this github repository Trezor Hardware .

the main idea of build this wallet is that i want to know about how the E-Wallets works and how can keep our bitcoins safe from Hackers, for that i need first load the Firmware from this repository Trezor Current Firmware , but it works with MicroPhyton inside the STM32..

But i really dont know what safe is MicroPython or what kind of vulnerabilities exist, so my idea is get the previous designed firmware and make that more safe that with MicroPython and maybe with other core or why not with a FPGA. Maybe that will Get me inside other E-Wallet Hardware Dessign.

now the next step is load the Firmware and Work with that.